Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Second day of teaching. Was much much better. Ivy still cried the whole time and so did a few others but for the most part they are starting to like seeing us. I have the three oldest boys in the group, they are about 4. Tang (our native coordinator, who owns the school) says all the kids say they like me best because I'm so hyper hahaha. Mom and Dad I know your agreeing right now. We get to eat lunch at the school right after we teach, the food is always delicious! Yesterday after class we decided to take a bike ride up to the garden home. The garden home is where Tang lives. It is an amazing home built of all granite and comes complete with a tiny salt water swimming pool. Me and Hannah do water aerobics for exercise, which is actually  really hard haha The pool is freezing but after biking I always Jump right in. Oh and a side note. Every time we ride in two's I always say "We look like the missionaries". haha Most of the girls like to lay out in the sun after swimming but the sun is extremly strong here so I rub myself down with sun block and layout for five minutes. After we swam I suggested that we go on a bike ride, to just kind of explore. Phichit is the center providence so it's always easy to come back to. So we headed down by the house so I could get to a place where I knew exactly where we were and headed down the street. We passed the Temple where the monks live and different street vendors. The first light came upon us and we agreed on turing left. As we road down the street I suddenly remembered the prayer I had said early that morning. I heard "Please bless us with safety today" As we road along next to the flooding river I looked out into this beautiful garden that was a rich bright green color and heard, Turn Around. The area  was unfamilar so I told Hannah lets go a little bit further then leave. Now for the next part of the story you must understand one thing. We haven't met a single person, except Tang, who speaks english here. Not even her family speaks english. So anyway. We went a little further when a lady came from her house and in perfect english asked "Where are you from" we responded "America" her response was firm and understandble, "Turn around. It's dangerous down there" as we hestitated she said again "Turn around. It's dangerous down there." As I road back down the  road with Hannah we didn't speak. My first thoughts were, what is down that road? Is it dangerous because of flooding or people? Then I thought of the story a prophet told where he was walking out to his barn and the holy ghost told him not to go in. As  he placed his hand on the door handle the spirit firmly said not to go in. He walked away and never knew why he didn't go in. I will never know what was down that road, but I don't need to. I know that my Heavenly father put that English speaking woman on that road to caution  me: Danger.

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