Sunday, September 4, 2011


Good morning! First thing first...LEXI BLUTH if you're reading this it's because I can't get a hold of you and I want to haha so email Anywho. I got to skype with my family today for the first time since I've been gone. I hadn't realized that I'd been gone for three weeks already. It feels like home here already. It was good to talk to you guys though. I guess you are actually reading my blog haha I would just like to say that I love my grandma and grandpa a lot. They are such amazing people and always make me feel really loved.  It was great to see you guys, make sure you take care of yourselves and get me a really good christmas present for when I come home :) haha I also want to tell my family how much I love them and seeing their faces made me realize I miss them more than I thought I did. Sam said that I would cry myself to sleep every night for two weeks because I missed home but I am proud to say I haven't cried once~not even falling down the stairs..that I just felt so dumb I couldn't help but laugh. We are heading to Bangkok on saturday and I am so excited! We get to attend an English speaking branch and GET SOME AMERICAN FOOD!!!!!!!!! haha I told my parents that it's the one thing I am dying for. I want a big juicey hamburger, wrapped in nice fattening bread, with real cheese and some french fries! haha Eating more health isn't by choice, it's all they have haha I feel good and hope my adventure continues.

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