Thursday, November 10, 2011


I am coming home. For my safety and for medical purpose I will be flying home starting tomorrow. I will arrive in Utah Sunday evening. This choice was made with lots of faith and tears. I prayed and I think this is what needs to be done to make sure that I am safe, I am leaving knowing that I will return to this beautiful country. Thailand means more to me that I can explain, watching the kids today I couldn't help but cry. I will miss Preawas evil laugh, Nom-Obs biting my clothes, I will miss Ongrys soft touch, I will miss Phuvits big hugs in the morning, I will miss having a child yell teacher Gabith I need you. Leaving here is like leaving my family, how do you explain to your family that you have to leave and it may be forever. I love these kids and I love holding them when they cry, tickling them tell they laugh, and teaching them something that will improve their futures. I am leaving tomorrow with a broken heart. But I am leaving with the absolute surety that the Lord will bless me and has a reason that I may not understand at this time. I am thankful to say that for the last three months I have lived in the most wonderful country with the most wonderful people. When I told mom I was leaving she cried, she asked if I was sure I had to go but made me promise to come back to see her. I have been in good hands here. I don't know if I have changed a life or done any miracle but I know that Thailand has helped me grow. The most important thing I learned was humility. It doesn't matter what you have but who you have to help you when your sick, or someone to make you laugh. I learned that people don't do things wrong but different than me. Someone doesn't need to change their ways just because it's something I don't understand. I need to learn about that person and find out why they do things different. I learned culture. For the first time in my life I have experience things I will never again experience. I have experienced the pure and perfect love of Christ through children and service. Thailand feels like home. I am scared to go home and leave the kids. Their bright smiles can lift a house. Their soft touch can be just what you need. I know I would be leaving in 4 weeks anyway but everything has happened so fast in the past week  I don't feel prepared to say goodbye. So for now it's a see you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Teacher Gabbith,
    You will be missed. By students, teachers, shake shop peeps, and everyone alike. Please be safe, and GET BETTER SOON!

    Love ya and your slender body!
